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Home: Categories: Regional: Worldwide: Italy
- Confindustria Nautica
Confindustria Nautica
Confindustria Nautica (Italian Marine Industry Association) is a non-profit organisation founded in 1967 to promote maritime culture and tourism as well as develop the boating industry, a sector in which Italy plays an international role as a global leader that has consistently demonstrated its ability to grasp the state of the market and respond to its changing needs. Genoa and Rome, Italy
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Federazione Italiana Vela
Federazione Italiana Vela
Italian Sailing Federation. The FIV is a Federation well rooted in the national territory that has more than one hundred thousand members distributed in 735 sailing clubs. For over 80 years the Italian Sailing Federation, by statute, has placed at the center of its activities the promotion of love for the sea, the teaching and dissemination of nautical and sailing culture. Thousands of instructors have raised millions of sailors and rooted a solid passion in a country that seems strategically designed to go to sea. The Italian Sailing Federation coordinates, regulates and assists this activity in Italy, ranging, therefore, from the promotion of nautical culture to school children, to Olympic sailing. Genoa, Italy
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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