Home: Categories: Organizations: Yacht, Sailing & Boating Clubs: Canada: Ontario
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- Grand River Power and Sail Squadron
Grand River Power and Sail Squadron
Grand River Power and Sail Squadron is affiliated with Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons which is a nation-wide non-profit organization providing safe-boating courses. Our courses range from Basic Boating to Off-Shore Navigation. We are also the providers of government required courses which include the mandatory Pleasure Craft Operator’s Card and the Restricted Operator’s Certificate (Marine). Many of our courses are offered online. Our course instructors are all volunteers and are experienced with both power and sail boating. If you need to learn to use your new VHF radio, chart plotter, radar, anchor safely or read nautical charts, we can help. Our membership consists of over 300 boaters from Waterloo Region. We hold social events throughout the year and simply enjoy getting together to talk about boating and share our adventures. Serving Kitchener, Waterloo and Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Feb 06 2025)
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Category: Education and Seamanship/Schools/Boating & Sailing Schools/Worldwide/Canada
- Rideau Nautical Modellers
Rideau Nautical Modellers
The "Rideau Nautical Modellers" is a club in Ottawa, Ontario whose members share an interest in building and operating various types of radio-controlled water craft. These include both surface craft and submarines. The only restriction on the type of craft is that internal combustion engines are not permitted. Electric, steam, and wind-powered vehicles make up the fleet. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Mon Jan 13 2025)
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Category: Organizations/Yacht, Sailing & Boating Clubs/Canada/Ontario
- Able Sail Toronto
Able Sail Toronto
Able Sail Toronto is dedicated to providing people like us, living with a disability, the opportunity to enjoy sailing. We know from experience the health and social benefits that adults, youth and children with disabilities can gain from sailing. Able Sail Toronto exists to enable access to sport and healthy activities, particularly for people living on a fixed income as many of our members do. Sailing is a versatile sport that easily adapts to the needs of people with physical disabilities and it levels the playing field. We strive to give our members a sense of independence, pride and self-sufficiency. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Sun Mar 31 2024)
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- Alexandra Yacht Club
Alexandra Yacht Club
Welcome to the Alexandra Yacht Club. We are an active self-help club with 100 Senior and about 25 Associate members who enjoy boating in both sailboats and powerboats. We have several interconnected floating docks and a number of swing moorings. Race Nights are Thursdays. Activities include club races, social events and an informal winter program. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Algoma Sailing Club
Algoma Sailing Club
Memberships are open to different types of watercrafts such as; Sailboats and Paddle Crafts (Dingy, Kayak, Canoe, and Stand Up Boards). We offer sailing lessons, and there are a lot of fun activates occurring at the Clubhouse. Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Sat Feb 06 2021)
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- Antique and Classic Boat Society: Toronto
Antique and Classic Boat Society: Toronto
ACBS Toronto is made up of volunteers that carry out everthing from administration, Classicboat magazine, event planing, website, accounting, all aspects. We exist to celebrate the beauty and the rich heritage of recreational boating in Ontario, Canada and around the world. ACBS Toronto attracts a wide variety of members, from classic boat owners to builders to people who just simply appreciate these beautiful crafts and the craftsmanship that built them. As a member you will enjoy a full year of memorable outings, events, workshops, gatherings and shows with other enthusiasts just like you. North York, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Sat Dec 29 2012)
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- Aquatic Park Sailing Club
Aquatic Park Sailing Club
APSC is the best kept secret in the Toronto Harbour. What are we all about? A true sailing oasis in a unique urban wilderness. A member-run sailing club in Toronto. A mooring field for 100 sailboats. The best access to sailing on Lake Ontario in the GTA. A vibrant community of sailors from all walks of life. Toronto, Ontario
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Ashbridge's Bay Yacht Club
Ashbridge's Bay Yacht Club
Ashbridge's Bay Yacht Club (ABYC), one of Toronto's premier sailing clubs for both novice and experienced sailors, is built on activity, on the water and ashore. Our members are involved in racing, cruising, and day-sailing during the boating season and participate in a diverse range of social events throughout the year. We're a family-friendly club with activities and facilities for all ages. Known for its spacious clubhouse with bar and restaurant in the heart of Toronto's Eastern Beaches community, ABYC is also recognized throughout the Lake Ontario region and beyond for running major championship racing regattas, for nurturing sailors young and old through its highly respected junior sailing school and keelboat programs, Adult keelboat and dinghy programs, Co-op Keelboat and Dinghy Programs, water sports opportunities through our memberships for dinghies, paddleboards and kayaks, and for offering great camaraderie through cruising, parties and other events. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Sat Jan 18 2020)
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- Barrie Yacht Club
Barrie Yacht Club
Incorporated as a not-for-profit organization in 1952, The Barrie Yacht Club has a rich history of sailing and fellowship activites. Many excellent sailors have developed their skills at BYC in the various programs we offer. In addition to organized racing, we offer numerous social events and courses, as well as providing access to picturesque Kempenfelt Bay. Barrie, ON Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 15 2015)
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- Bay of Quinte Yacht Club
Bay of Quinte Yacht Club
Formed in 1876, BQYC is active with many social functions, a large keel boat racing fleet, a strong Laser fleet, adult and children's sailing school camp. Our home sailing grounds are in the protected waters of the Bay of Quinte, one of the best boating areas in Canada. The Club caters for the sailing interests of both sail and power boaters, and attracts those interested in cruising, racing in keelboats or dinghies, or simply socialising at the Long Reach Bar or at one of our many Social Events. Belleville, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Beacon Marina
Beacon Marina
Lake Scugog's environmentally friendly Green Marine playground. We cater to all boaters and are passionate about encouraging local sailors and sailing activities of all types. Our Marina is located on picturesque Lake Scugog at our perfectly situated facility in Durham Region. This hidden jewel on the larger side of the lake is ideal for all types of boating fun and excitement. We encourage beginner and novice sailors who want to learn or improve their sailing skills. Are you a veteran or racer? Come join the fun this summer and explore the wild side of Scugog! We offer summer Boat Slip rentals for both powerboats and sailboats. Inside and outside winter storage and summer boat and trailer storage. Launch and haulout services can be provided by the Marina for a fee. The Lake Scugog Sailing Club was officially formed on October 29, 2009. The club was formed for recreational and social purposes, sailing and learning new skills and information sharing on sailboats. Caesarea, ON Canada
(Added: Sat Feb 06 2021)
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- Beaumaris Yacht Club
Beaumaris Yacht Club
The Beaumaris Yacht Club offers its membership a variety of activities including golf, tennis, weekly sailing races, and social entertainment. In addition to top-notch golf and tennis teaching professionals, the Club staff also provides instruction in sailing, swimming, and lifesaving. Lake Muskoka, Beaumaris, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Sat Feb 06 2021)
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- Belwood Lake Sailing Club
Belwood Lake Sailing Club
The Belwood Lake Sailing Club is a group of family-oriented sailing boat enthusiasts who come from a wide area and all walks of life. The club is located on a lovely four acre site on Lake Belwood, a reservoir managed by the Grand River Conservation Authority, about 4km east of Fergus. There is a club house with sail and gear storage, washrooms, a kitchen, picnic tables, shaded picnic area, children's play area, camping area, and boat and car parking. Offers racing and social events. The sailing club is on the south shore of Belwood Lake, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Bertie Boating Club
Bertie Boating Club
Presently, there are approximately 200 members who are residents of the Town of Fort Erie and the surrounding communities including summer residents from New York State and the Toronto area. Not only does the club serve boating members, the club promotes and supports other organizations to utilize the facility both in the summer and the winter. Many local residents can be seen fishing/ icefishing or walking on the marina walls enjoying the scenery. Club services include a marina with dockage, Social Activities, Barbecues, Food Services / Licensed Clubhouse, Pump Out, Showers & Restrooms, Picnic Tables including pavilion, and more. Ridgeway, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Fri Dec 20 2013)
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- Bluffers Park Yacht Club
Bluffers Park Yacht Club
Located 8 miles east of Toronto Harbour on Lake Ontario's north shore. We have an active cruising fleet, a club PHRF racing fleet, and a full calendar of social activities. BPYC offers its members and visitors more than just a great view of Lake Ontario. Our clubhouse's open layout enables us to host anything from large social events, to multiple small personal gatherings,to full membership meetings as required. Members and visitors have full access to the communal kitchen, washer/dryer, bar and other common areas in our main building. Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Britannia Yacht Club
Britannia Yacht Club
Incorporated in 1887, BYC is one of the oldest yacht clubs in Canada. The well-protected harbour accommodates 250 keelboats. Dry sail facilities are provided for dinghies and small keel boats, and secure inside storage for sail boards, kayaks and canoes. In addition to boating, BYC also offers facilities and programs for tennis, youth, social and family activities. The clubhouse features the region's best view of the Ottawa River, fine dining and year round activities. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Brockville Yacht Club
Brockville Yacht Club
The Brockville Yacht Club is located on the St. Lawrence River in Brockville Ontario at the gateway to the Thousand Islands. With a harbour accommodating over 130 boats, the Yacht Club is a major hub of boating traffic and enjoys an active membership consisting of sailors, power boaters and boating enthusiasts. BYC is located in the heart of downtown Brockville within walking distance of virtually every service a boater could need. Brockville, ON Canada
(Added: Sat Feb 07 2015)
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- Bronte Harbour Yacht Club
Bronte Harbour Yacht Club
Offers racing, club cruises, sailing lessons for all ages, and a busy social calendar. BHYC has an active social, cruising, paddling and racing with events and programs during all seasons of the year. The Club is well known for its participation in yacht racing and operates one of the largest volunteer driven Learn to Sail programs for its size on the lake. Oakville, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Buffalo Canoe Club
Buffalo Canoe Club
For over 100 hundred years the Buffalo Canoe Club has been a summer haven for the area's sailing families. Racing series, sailing classes for juniors and adults, and social events. Ridgeway, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Burlington Sailing & Boating Club
Burlington Sailing & Boating Club
The Burlington Sailing & Boating Club was established in 1974 to promote Seamanship, Sportsmanship and Friendship. The Club is located in LaSalle Park, a lush, tranquil park on the tree-lined north shore of Burlington Bay in Aldershot, only minutes from the 403 or QEW highways. We offer organized cruises, club races for dinghy and keel boats, junior and adult sailing school, cruising and racing seminars, movie nights, and other social events. Burlington, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Cathedral Bluffs Yacht Club
Cathedral Bluffs Yacht Club
We are a not-for-profit, self-help club for power and sail boats. Our activities include racing, weekend cruises, a full calendar of social events, and a junior sailing program. Nestled at the base of the spectacular Scarborough Bluffs, CBYC enjoys its own paradise island, easily accessible from across the region. You'll quickly forget the hustle and bustle of city life as you relax on your boat amid glorious scenery. It's probably the best yacht club location on Lake Ontario. Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Cedar Island Yacht Club
Cedar Island Yacht Club
Established in 1972, Cedar Island Yacht club is a collaborative of people who love the water, love the wind, preserve the land and tie lots of knots. Our primary mandate is to have fun with the occasional interruption for a little work. Kingsville, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Sun Mar 02 2014)
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- CFB Trenton Yacht Club
CFB Trenton Yacht Club
The 8 Wing/CFB Trenton Yacht Club is a Military self-help club founded in 1961 that offers a full range of activities including, sailing lessons, racing, yacht dockage, and dinghy rental. Also operating out of the Yacht Club are the RCAF Trenton Power and Sail Squadron, which offers various boating courses. also Quinte Sail Ability, which offers sail training to persons with disability. Trenton, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Champlain Sailing Club
Champlain Sailing Club
Sailing at its best, on beautiful Lake Couchiching in Orillia, Ontario. The Champlain Sailing Club is a low-key, volunteer run club of sailing enthusiasts, with about 50 member families who are interested in enjoying all that Lake Couchiching and the Orillia area has to offer. We have an active Social calendar, with events held at the club. Orillia, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Sat Feb 06 2021)
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- Chats Lake Community Boat Club
Chats Lake Community Boat Club
A community and family-oriented club for power boating and sailing. We have twenty-three sheltered moorings on the Madawaska River as well as a concrete launch ramp and accommodation on shore for trailer launched vessels and over-winter storage. The club house includes kitchen and shower facilities and provides an excellent venue for our social events and for relaxation after a session on the water. Arnprior, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Cobourg Yacht Club
Cobourg Yacht Club
The club offers racing for keelboats and centreboards, cruising events, a junior sailing school, social activities, and more. Coburg, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Collingwood Yacht Club
Collingwood Yacht Club
The club offers sailboat racing and social activities. In 1996 the club, in partnership with the town, was able to secure its future with a long term lease. The lease provides the club with its current facility at a stable cost for 29 years. This agreement allows the club to expand with approximately 20 new docks, new fencing and ensures its home for the future. It also allows the club to continue the beautification of its premises. Collingwood, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Collins Bay Yacht Club
Collins Bay Yacht Club
Our club is a vibrant association of boat owners operating from the Collins Bay Marina and we offer a full round of activities for all boating enthusiasts in a setting which provides easy access to both Lake Ontario and the Thousand Islands. Kingston, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Tue Nov 27 2012)
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- Conestoga Sailing Club
Conestoga Sailing Club
Welcome to the Conestoga Sailing Club (CSC). We are a group of people, from all walks of life, with one thing in common — a love of sailing! Situated on Conestoga Lake, 30 km north-west of Kitchener-Waterloo, CSC provides everything you need to start or continue sailing. The club features racing, sailing school programs for both children and adults, and social events. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Crystal Beach Tennis and Yacht Club
Crystal Beach Tennis and Yacht Club
We are a beach community of single-family homes located on the site of the former Crystal Beach Amusement Park. This Victorian beach setting along the shores of Lake Erie offers modern day amenities for members, including tennis courts, playground, pier, club house, exercise facilities, and beach access. St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Fri Jan 20 2017)
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- Dalhousie Yacht Club
Dalhousie Yacht Club
We would like to welcome everyone to Dalhousie yacht club, the centre for all things nautical on the Niagara peninsula. Here you will find racing, cruising and an extensive learn to sail program as well as diverse social activities for all ages. St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Sun Jan 28 2007)
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- Deep River Yacht and Tennis Club
Deep River Yacht and Tennis Club
Through the 1940’s and 1950’s a club was organized. The Yacht Club joined with the Tennis Club to form the Deep River Yacht and Tennis Club. Shore-front property was obtained and a clubhouse was built with a large hall for dining, dancing, and special events. Tennis courts were built. The Y-Flyer was the first choice in the 1950's and 1960's. The club was such a success that its sailors won both national and international Y-flyer championships. From the 1960's until today, the club has continued to flourish. The club continues to host regattas as well as tennis tournaments. A social program with parties, musical programs, and community events has made the Yacht and Tennis Club a fun place to be. Deep River, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Sat Feb 06 2021)
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- Deseronto Yacht Club
Deseronto Yacht Club
The DYC is located in the Town of Deseronto, central to Belleville, Picton and Napanee along the Bay of Quinte. We are a community of both sail and power boaters as well as those anglers attracted to the Bay of Quinte. The DYC is a self help club, with all members being expected to contribute to such activities as our organized events, and facilities and grounds maintenance, etc. We are a social club with the interests of our members and community in mind. Deseronto, ON Canada
(Added: Sat Feb 06 2021)
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- Dock Links
Dock Links
Dock Links is one of the largest Yacht Clubs in Canada. Our travelling members are welcomed with exclusive transient discounts, free pump outs and incredible fuel discounts at over 40 marinas and over 40 yacht clubs in Ontario and New York State. Our members also receive prefered pricing in marine insurance, great discounts at NAPA Canada and over 3000 other discounts across Canada. Severn, ON Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2020)
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- Erieau Yacht Club
Erieau Yacht Club
Located in Erieau, Ontario, the Erieau Yacht Club (EYC) has set a standard of excellence among private yacht clubs for over a 100 years. Racing at Erieau started before the turn of the century beginning with large two-masted schooners that were also used for commercial fishing. Soon sailing dinghies built locally by Pop and Al Weir were the yacht of choice and an Erieau Championship Cup Race was established. Today the tradition continues with summers packed full of racing, sailing and swimming lessons for everyone in the community, as well and a packed social calendar for our members and friends. From a full racing and social calendar, regatta management, educational sailing and swimming programs and competitive racing fleets we are unequaled in service to our members, their guests and the community. Erieau, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Sat Feb 06 2021)
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- Etobicoke Yacht Club
Etobicoke Yacht Club
Etobicoke Yacht Club is located on 22 acres of park land at the west end of Humber Bay. We are on one of the most secure and scenic bays on Lake Ontario. Our Club boasts a well maintained clubhouse plus separate facilities for day sailors and for its junior sail program. EYC is primarily a sailing club offering an extensive racing program, as well as 8 to 10 organized club cruises annually. We also have a small fleet of power boats. Our dry sail – keel fleet is mainly Solings and Etchells, while our dry sail – dinghy and multihull fleets are made up primarily of catamarans. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Mon Nov 26 2012)
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- Fanshawe Yacht Club and Sailing School
Fanshawe Yacht Club and Sailing School
The club offers recreational sailing, racing, club cruises, sailing instruction for juniors and adults, and social activities. Our sailing school offers certified Learn to Sail courses for both adult and youth students in a fun and exciting environment with boats and all necessary sailing and safety equipment provided. Fanshawe Lake in London, Ontario, Canada.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Fifty Point Yacht Club
Fifty Point Yacht Club
FPYC is located within the Hamilton Conservation Authority, (HCA) known by many as Fifty Point Marina. Our yacht club rents slips from HCA, which owns and operates the marina on the south shore of Lake Ontario, The club offers racing, cruising events, and social activities. Lake Ontario, Stoney Creek, ON Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club
Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club
Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club offers a host of sailing events and programs including keelboat racing, a sailing school, dinghy racing programs for juniors and seniors, and regattas. In addition our Race Team has received wide recognition. FBYC Members and visitors enjoy a safe and protected dinghy-basin and dockage within Frenchman's Bay harbour, plus a modern clubhouse, expanded and refurbished docks, cranes, pumpout facilities and much more. As well as sailing events, the club holds many entertainment and social events throughout the year. Established in the 1930's, Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club is a family-oriented club, welcoming all sailors and power boaters. Frenchman's Bay, Pickering, ON Canada
(Added: Mon Feb 23 2015)
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- Georgian Yacht Club
Georgian Yacht Club
Established in 1946. The G.Y.C. has a total of 150 full members and approximately 70 associate members. This club caters to both power and sail boats. We also have a flourishing sailboat racing program that runs from May to October. On the power side we have a number of Porker Runs (not Poker Runs) throughout the boating season. Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Dec 18 2014)
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- Grand Bend Yacht Club
Grand Bend Yacht Club
Great sailing and racing on Ontario's west coast! If you are an avid sailor, or would like to be, take a closer look at the facilities offered by Grand Bend Yacht Club on southern Lake Huron. We have 52 slips with shore power, water, an outstanding new clubhouse, an active racing program and many other amenities that make boating an activity the whole family can enjoy. Grand Bend, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Sun Dec 12 2004)
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- Greater Niagara Boating Club
Greater Niagara Boating Club
We are conveniently located on the Welland River in Niagara Falls, Canada. Our boat club has many amenities to offer its members to provide more enjoyment to their boating experience. Our club features a fully licensed restaurant & bar, gas bar with pump-out, beautiful outdoor licensed patio, security gate to members area, space provided to park at your dock, outdoor pavilion for private or public events, on-site boat storage, security lighting year round, secluded park-like setting, ample visitor dockage, private boat launch, friendly atmosphere and much more! Niagara Falls, ON Canada
(Added: Sat Nov 26 2016)
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- Guelph Community Boating Club
Guelph Community Boating Club
GCBC is a community based boating club, located only a few minutes outside of Guelph. Becoming a member is a great way to stay active, immerse yourself in nature and enjoy a variety of activities such as sailing, canoeing and kayaking. Membership Includes boat storage (one hull), BBQ usage, ramps for boat launches, and free Thursday night training! Club Races are held every Tuesday night; all members are welcome regardless of skill or experience. Guelph, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Hamilton Bay Sailing Club
Hamilton Bay Sailing Club
We are a non-profit co-operative sailing club for adults. Interested in an affordable means of sailing or learning basic sailing techniques in a casual atmosphere at your own pace? We have it! Boats, safety equipment, and volunteer instructors are supplied by the club and are included in one low membership fee. We also offer racing and social activities. Hamilton, Ontario
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Harbour City Yacht Club
Harbour City Yacht Club
Situated in the Toronto Island Marina on Centre Island. Officially founded in 1974, the club has approximately 80 members, most of whom have boats moored at Toronto Island Marina. The floating clubhouse is located in C Basin and has four permanent slips for visiting boats. Members of reciprocal clubs visiting T.I.M. or HCYC are welcome to use the club house, which contains a small kitchen, a lounge which seats about 20, a TV and DVD player, a large new outdoor deck and two barbecues overlooking Long Pond. Toronto, ON Canada
(Added: Wed Apr 17 2024)
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- Hawkestone Yacht Club
Hawkestone Yacht Club
Formed in 1965, HYC is a family oriented club which offers friendly in-club races and social activities. Each season we boast a full social calendar of member driven innovative on shore events, cruise rendezvous and friendly in-club races. As well as in-club racing, H.Y.C members have been active participants of Lake Simcoe’s sailing community since 1965. Lake Simcoe, Hawkestone, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Highland Yacht Club
Highland Yacht Club
Traditionally, Highland Yacht Club has considered itself the best boating value in the Toronto area. The reason lies in its working-club philosophy, low annual fees and a very lean management style. When you compare facilities and membership costs you'll find Highland gives you the most for your money. Highland is about boating. Our finger docks are fixed, have 20- and 30-amp power, water. We have a service dock with a mast crane and pump-out facilities. There is a Laser to learn to sail, or for members' recreation. We have picnic areas and barbecues, and are next door to a marina for fuel and repair facilities. We have a storage building with a large workshop and tools and equipment. The clubhouse has washrooms, showers, a full kitchen and lounge area, which are open to members and visitors at all times. There is a large lounging area upstairs of the clubhouse, which has a bar and fireplace, this is used for meetings and social events all season long. There is also an outside lounge area facing out over our beautiful bluffs. There is ample free parking. On-site winter boat storage is included in the modest annual fee. The site has restricted access for safety and security. Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Island Yacht Club
Island Yacht Club
Nestled on a private island and dedicated to active, resort-style living, Island Yacht Club is your Cottage-in-the-City. Go boating, relax poolside, play tennis on our clay courts or walk the private wilderness nature trail while your children and youth enjoy Learn to Sail activities in our Junior Sailing Camp Programs. Island Yacht Club offers both boating and social memberships. Whether you’re an experienced boat owner or looking for a Cottage-in-the-City lifestyle, there’s a membership for you. Boating members enjoy a full-range of marine services, including: storage, repairs, hauling and launching, handled by our careful and experienced team. Toronto, ON Canada
(Added: Sun Feb 07 2021)
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- Kanagio Yacht Club
Kanagio Yacht Club
Established in 1933 we are a non-profit self-help club maintained by its members with help from outside sources only when necessary. We have an active volunteer committee system that organizes activities and runs the day to day operation of the club. Our park like setting provides our 62 boating members with a peaceful location for private tranquil periods as well as exciting club functions for active and associate members as well as their guests throughout the boating season. We have reciprocal agreements with a wide range of other clubs on the Great Lakes and encourage traveling boaters to come and visit us during the boating season. Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Mar 03 2011)
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- Kanata Sailing Club
Kanata Sailing Club
A friendly and energetic club which offers a racing program, sailing lessons and social activities. The club operates as a non-profit cooperative whose mission is to promote low cost sailing for new and experienced sailors in a relaxed and safe environment. Experience the Ottawa River, meet interesting people, and most of all have FUN! No need to own a boat – we have our own fleet! Kanata, Ottawa River, Ontario
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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