Home: Categories: Watersports: Fishing: Regional - United States: Massachusetts: Massachusetts Fishing Clubs & Organizations
- Avid Anglers Bass Club
Avid Anglers Bass Club
Avid Anglers was founded in 2004 by former members of Bristol County Bassmasters. The goal of the club was—and is—to make us all better fishermen, foster a love of the outdors in our youth, and to send the very best of our membership to the annual state championships. The benefits that go along with those are many: new friendships, travel to new places, access to a wealth of angling knowledge, and much more. Taunton, Massachusetts
(Added: Mon Mar 09 2015)
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- Berkshire Fishing Club
Berkshire Fishing Club
If you are interested in a private lake with no jet skis no houses, no large boats, but with great Largmouth Bass fishing conditions, our lake is for you. We offer great bass boats fully equipped with electric trolling motors, mounted seats and small 4-stroke gas motors. This gorgeous private lake is open to the general public. We offer a unique type of country club which revolves around Largemouth Bass fishing. Great Barrington, Massachusetts
(Added: Sun Feb 12 2012)
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- Cape Cod Salties Sportfishing Club
Cape Cod Salties Sportfishing Club
The Cape Cod Salties promote and encourage interest in saltwater sportfishing, provide opportunities for those interested in saltwater sportfishing to gather for entertainment and good fellowship, foster sound conservation practices and laws and to see that these laws are properly supported and carried out by members, further good sportsmanship, and disseminate information concerning saltwater sportfishing to club members and to others. West Yarmouth, Massachusetts
(Added: Fri Mar 20 2015)
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- Cape Cod Trout Unlimited
Cape Cod Trout Unlimited
CAPE COD TROUT UNLIMITED is the local Chapter of Trout Unlimited. Trout Unlimited (TU) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the mission of conserving, protecting and restoring North America’s cold water fisheries (salmon and trout) and their watersheds. For over 40 years, this Chapter's primary conservation project has been restoring the Quashnet River. Our monthly Chapter meetings are open to the public and are held on the second Wednesday of the month, September through May. Marstons Mills, Massachusetts
(Added: Sat Jan 25 2020)
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- Central Massachusetts Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Central Massachusetts Chapter of Trout Unlimited
The Central Massachusetts Chapter of Trout Unlimited (chapter #148) was formerly known as the Greater Worcester chapter. In 2008, the chapter merged with the Quaboag chapter to form the current Central Massachusetts chapter. The chapter currently has approximately 300-350 members, and meets monthly in Auburn, MA. The CMTU chapter territory encompasses portions of several major Massachusetts river basins/watersheds, to include: Blackstone, Nashua, Assabet/Susbury, Chicopee, French and Quinebaug. Major Home Waters for the chapter include the Quinipoxet River, Stillwater River, Quaboag River, Hamant Brook and Wekepeke Brook. Auburn, Massachusetts
(Added: Sun Mar 30 2014)
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- Crossroads Anglers
Crossroads Anglers
Crossroads Anglers is a flyfishing club that meets every fourth Tuesday from September to May at 6:30 PM at the South Foxboro Community Center for fly tying and good conversation about fishing. Several times a year we have a guest presenter. In good weather we have a casting clinic before the meeting. And we sponsor fresh and salt water fishing trips in the spring and fall. Foxboro, Massachusetts
(Added: Tue Mar 04 2014)
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- Deerfield River Watershed Trout Unlimited
Deerfield River Watershed Trout Unlimited
Our Mission: To advocate for the long term health of the Deerfield River as a cold water fishery. The Deerfield Watershed consists of the Deerfield River and all of the feeder brooks, streams, and rivers that flow into it from Southern Vermont to the Connecticut River termination. Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
(Added: Tue Nov 17 2015)
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- Greater Boston Chapter #013
Greater Boston Chapter #013
Welcome to Greater Boston Trout Unlimited (GBTU) Chapter #013. Based in Boston, MA, our chapter is dedicated to protecting cold water fisheries in our region, educating our community on the benefits of clean, cold water, and ensuring future generations of outdoors-women and men can experience the joy of getting outside. Trout Unlimited's (TU) mission is to conserve, protect and restore North America's coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. From river cleanups on the Charles River and restoration projects on the Neponset River to teaching elementary and middle schoolers to fish in partnership with YES Kids or X Cel Eudcation as well as through our own events like Casting on the Common, GBTU provides a myriad of opportunities for anyone interested or curious to get involved. Come to a meeting, join us for an event, or reach out if you have questions! We would love to share our mission with you and introduce you to the joys cold, clean water can bring. Boston, Massachusetts
(Added: Sat Jan 25 2020)
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- Green Harbor Tuna Club
Green Harbor Tuna Club
The Green Harbor Tuna Club, the oldest Tuna Club on the Massachusetts South Shore was founded in 1970 in Marshfield to promote recreational fishing for Bluefin Tuna. Over the years, the Club has expanded their activities to include a multi-species season long Tournament, as well as Cod, Bluefish, and two Bluefin Tournaments, one of these reserved for lady anglers only. These tournaments are geared towards good family fun, friendly competition, Club camaraderie, and responsible sportsmanship.
(Added: Wed Dec 19 2007)
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- Martha's Vineyard Rod and Gun Club
Martha's Vineyard Rod and Gun Club
The Island's Complete Resource for Outdoor Sportsmen. The Martha's Vineyard Rod & Gun Club is a private non-profit club for members and their guests. It has been serving the sportsman's community on the island since the early 1900's. The organization consists 100% of volunteers and the members donate thousands of man-hours each year to make all of their programs a reality. The membership of over 500 individuals and families are all sportsmen who are dedicated to the development of the qualities of patriotism and good sportsmanship. They believe in the conservation of the waters, land, fish and wildlife of Martha's Vineyard, and in promoting safety in fishing, hunting, archery, firearms use and boating, all of which are the basic ingredients of good citizenship. Edgartown, Massachusetts
(Added: Wed Dec 09 2015)
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- Martha's Vineyard Surfcasters Association
Martha's Vineyard Surfcasters Association
The club's purpose is to encourage the sport of surfcasting; to gather for entertainment and good fellowship; to promote and uphold sound conservation practices and laws, and to see that these laws are properly carried out by members; to further good sportsmanship; and to seek and protect public access to fishing areas on Martha's Vineyard. Based in Edgartown, Massachusetts
(Added: Sun Dec 30 2007)
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- Massachusetts Kayak Bassin'
Massachusetts Kayak Bassin'
With the sport of competitive bass fishing growing nationwide, Massachusetts Kayak Bassin' was created out of a desire to see the sport continue to spread its roots, particularly in Massachusetts. At the time, back in 2016, only one small tournament trail existed. In the years since, we have become the biggest kayak bass fishing tournament trail in the state, running an eastern and western division, and we will continue to grow in the years to come. As a way to offer more opportunities to our anglers, we are partnered with Kayak Bass Fishing, LLC, (KBF). KBF is the nation's leading kayak fishing tournament organization, and anglers wishing to take their skills to the next level of competitive kayak bass fishing can do so by participating in not only our events but KBF state challenges, special challenges, and trail events, all of which open the door for anglers to qualify to fish the mother of all kayak bass fishing tournaments, the KBF National Championship. Massachusetts
(Added: Sun Feb 14 2021)
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- Massachusetts-Rhode Island Council of Trout Unlimited
Massachusetts-Rhode Island Council of Trout Unlimited
The Massachusetts-Rhode Island Council of Trout Unlimited is a grassroots conservation organization dedicated to protect, reconnect, restore and sustain the region’s coldwater resources. Part of the National Trout Unlimited organization, founded in 1959, the Massachusetts-Rhode Island Council of Trout Unlimited is the unifying body region wide, connecting more than 4,500 members spread among 13 chapters. Through advocacy, education and partnerships with other statewide conservation organizations, the Council works towards improving the ecological health of rivers and streams throughout the state. Our motto, taken from one of Trout Unlimited's founding members is, "If you take care of the fish, the fishing will take care of itself."
(Added: Fri Jan 24 2020)
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- Massachussetts Women Fly Fishers
Massachussetts Women Fly Fishers
Massachusetts Women Fly Fishers (MWFF) is a social organization for women who fly-fish. The purpose of MWFF is to fish, have fun and enjoy the camaraderie of other women who delight in the sport of fly-fishing. While not intended primarily as a "learn to fish" club, MWFF welcomes all ability levels, and offers a supportive environment wherein every member can improve her fly-fishing knowledge and skills. Beverly, Massachusetts
(Added: Tue Feb 08 2011)
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- Millers River Trout Unlimited
Millers River Trout Unlimited
Dedicated to recreation, protection, restoration & conservation. The chapter was created to protect, preserve and conserve the Millers River and its numerous tributaries. The Chapter has two major accomplishments: 1) in cooperation with the Massachusetts DFW, we have restored brown trout stocking and also 2) begun work with local veterans service organizations to promote educational programs and fly tying classes.We have a full conservation agenda and work actively with the MA/RI Council. We have formed alliances with other conservation minded groups to preserve, protect and restore our watershed. Templeton, Massachusetts
(Added: Sun Mar 30 2014)
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- New England Fly Tyers
New England Fly Tyers
Welcome to the web site of the New England Fly Tyers (NEFT). NEFT is a non-profit organization of fly fishers and fly tyers. The purpose of the organization is to foster the art of fly tying, to promote the challenge of fly fishing, to encourage conservation and sportsmanship. NEFT organizes a variety of activities for its members. Worcester, Massachusetts
(Added: Sat Jan 26 2013)
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- Nor'East Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Nor'East Chapter of Trout Unlimited
The Nor’east chapter of Trout Unlimited concerns itself with the coldwater fisheries of Massachusetts North Shore. Habitat conducive to supporting trout species and more specifically native eastern brook trout. We encourage everyone concerned about their local cold water habitats to join us in our efforts. As an added bonus, almost all of your first year membership fee will go directly to the Nor'East chapter. You'll be making sure your contribution is focused on what you care about most, your local waters. Ipswich, Massachusetts
(Added: Sat Jan 25 2020)
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- North East Bass Anglers Club
North East Bass Anglers Club
Fishing lakes and rivers around the northeast area is what the members of the North East Bass Anglers Club do best. This club has been in existence for over 30 years and is affiliated with FLW. Club members raise money through fishing tournaments and donating the proceeds to various organizations. We have some of the best anglers in New England. Our most popular place to catch those largemouth and smallmouth bass is on Lake Congamond in Southwick, MA. Agawam, Massachusetts
(Added: Mon Mar 09 2015)
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- Northeast Bass Association
Northeast Bass Association
The NEBA is comprised of fishing clubs throughout the north east states. These clubs make up a State Organization. Although there are directors and officers, the organization is truly run by its members. Each State runs its events and qualifies its members to their state championship the way it chooses. Connecticut and Massachusetts
(Added: Sun Feb 12 2012)
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- Osterville Anglers' Club
Osterville Anglers' Club
Located on the shores of Crosby Basin, the Osterville Anglers' Club is a family oriented club, committed to promoting and advancing the sport of recreational fishing. With an active and dedicated membership, the Club sponsors a number of fishing tournaments, social activities and education events throughout the year. Osterville, Massachusetts
(Added: Fri Nov 20 2015)
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- Pioneer Valley Chapter #276 Trout Unlimited
Pioneer Valley Chapter #276 Trout Unlimited
Our mission is to preserve, protect, and restore cold water fisheries in Massachusetts and especially the Pioneer Valley region. Our chapter meetings are held at 7 PM on the second Wednesday of the month, Sept. – May, at various locations in Western Mass. Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing - PVTU is again participating in this veteran's program at the VA Hospital in Leeds, MA. Chapter member and past officer, Tom LeBlanc has again donated his time to run the program, which teaches fly tying, casting, and fly-fishing. Belchertown, Massachusetts
(Added: Mon Feb 05 2024)
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- Plum Island Surfcasters
Plum Island Surfcasters
We are a growing club of 200 plus recreational saltwater fishermen, who are involved in Surf, Boat and Fly Fishing with interest in other related areas such as Beach Access, Conservation, Fishery Management Planning, and offering young people the experience of saltwater fishing with adult mentors. The Plum Island Surfcasters hold year-round meetings, on the third Tuesday of each month, for the sharing of fishing experiences, discussing saltwater fishery issues and showcasing popular speakers. Newburyport, Massachusetts
(Added: Sun Feb 12 2012)
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- Sea-Run Brook Trout Coalition
Sea-Run Brook Trout Coalition
The Sea-Run Brook Trout Coalition is a non-profit organization established for the purpose of protecting and restoring sea-run brook trout populations and the coastal watersheds that they depend upon. Over the past two centuries, sea-run brook trout populations have declined throughout their range, with the most dramatic losses occurring in the southern part of that range in coastal watersheds between Long Island, N.Y. and Maine. Meanwhile, in Canada many sea-run brook trout populations are being damaged by irresponsible farming practices, development and over fishing. Newburyport, Massachusetts
(Added: Sun Jan 25 2015)
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- South Shore Bassmasters
South Shore Bassmasters
SouthShore Bassmasters is a proud member of the Massachusetts Bass Federation. Twenty years ago SouthShore Bassmasters was organized for members to build friendships in the sport of competitive bass fishing, for experienced members to teach newcomers how to catch bass, and to send qualified members to compete against other clubs in the state fishoffs in hopes of advancing to divisional and national events. Today those goals still remain. We have a good mix of “young guns” and “old veterans” which makes for some enjoyable events. Good sportsmanship and camaraderie are highly valued qualities we seek in new members.
(Added: Thu Nov 17 2005)
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- South Shore Fly Casters
South Shore Fly Casters
South Shore Fly Casters was established in late 2018 with the intention of creating a community of dedicated fly fishermen and women who reside in or around the South Shore of Massachusetts. Our goal is to help people of all skill levels and experience gain better access and become more educated about fly fishing opportunities on our local waters here on the South Shore and beyond. Our club meet-ups are social outings and 3 times each year, we offer Presentation Nights where we have World Class presentations from well-known experts in the fly fishing industry. Outside of club meet-ups, we offer club members access to local fishing outings, clinics, and hosted fly fishing trips throughout the world. There's also a host of club membership benefits to help you find more success on the water. Hingham, Massachusetts
(Added: Mon Dec 25 2023)
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- Squan-a-Tissit Trout Unlimited Chapter
Squan-a-Tissit Trout Unlimited Chapter
As the name of the chapter implies, our focus is on our home waters, the Squannacook and Nissitissit Rivers. Both rivers are fine examples of well managed streams that offer angling through all seasons of the year. Additionally, the rivers provide focal points for chapter projects and gatherings. Pepperell, Massachusetts
(Added: Sun Mar 30 2014)
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- Stellwagen Bank Charter Boat Association
Stellwagen Bank Charter Boat Association
The Stellwagen Bank Charter Boat Association is a non-profit organization within the charter boat industry, created to provide a forum for members in the for-hire sport fishing industry; to provide a unified voice to preserve and protect the rights, traditions and future of saltwater fishing; to provide education to members concerning fishery regulations, fishing techniques, better business practices and vessel compliance and safety requirements; to promote sport fishing and collaboration among members; to promote marine conservation, advancement of science, education and sustainable fishery management practices.
(Added: Sat Mar 18 2017)
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- The Fishing Academy
The Fishing Academy
The Mission of The Fishing Academy is to provide young people in the greater Boston area, and especially Boston's poorer neighborhoods, the opportunity to experience the outdoors and learn life-skills, such as teamwork, patience, discipline, self-confidence and respect through the sport of Fishing. Brighton, Massachusetts
(Added: Tue Mar 04 2014)
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- United Fly Tyers
United Fly Tyers
Founded in 1959, United Fly Tyers is the oldest continuously active Fly Tying organization in the United States. The organization is dedicated to the development and promotion of the art and science of designing and producing artificial fishing flies. We are continuing a long standing tradition of the exchange of information and instruction of fly tying skills to the expert and novice alike. Based in Dunstable, Massachusetts
(Added: Sun Feb 12 2012)
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