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Home: Categories: Watersports: Fishing: Regional - United States: Delaware: Delaware Fishing Clubs & Organizations
- Delaware Mobile Surf Fisherman Club
Delaware Mobile Surf Fisherman Club
The Delaware Mobile Surf-Fishermen, Inc, is more widely known as DMS. We are a family oriented group of like-minded persons - men, woman and children - who have a deep interest in surf fishing, preserving beach access, conservation of the beaches, the waters and the marine sport fisheries. We strive to inform our members and the public of information relating to beach access issues, beach driving, marine sport fishing and waters. DMS participates in many activities to further the conservation of the beaches and the sport of surf fishing. We sponsor or support beach clean-up, beach grass planting, Adopt-a-Highway, the Delaware Special Olympics fishing event and our Annual Invitational Surf Fishing Tournament, to name a few. Dagsboro, Delaware
(Added: Mon Dec 10 2018)
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- Mid-Atlantic Council of Trout Unlimited
Mid-Atlantic Council of Trout Unlimited
Conserving, protecting and restoring our country's coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. The Mid-Atlantic Council of Trout Unlimited is a multi-state council that includes Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia. The council fully supports the mission and vison of Trout Unlimited and works to attain the TU vision for Maryland Waters.
(Added: Tue Dec 08 2015)
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- Saltwater Fly Anglers of Delaware
Saltwater Fly Anglers of Delaware
The Saltwater Fly Anglers of Delaware was formed by our founding father, Don Avondolio, in the year 2000. Don's dedication to fly fishing brought him to assemble this club, in order to bring interested saltwater fly anglers together to promote the sport, to gain and share knowledge of the sport, to freely exchange information between saltwater fly anglers, and most importantly, to have fun while doing it! Although our foundations are in saltwater fly fishing, we also support and share knowledge about freshwater fly fishing as well. Rolling Meadows, Delaware
(Added: Wed Dec 26 2018)
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