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Home: Categories: Watersports: Fishing: Organizations
  • AFFTA: American Fly Fishing Trade Association AFFTA: American Fly Fishing Trade Association
    Our mission is to promote the sustained organization for the fly fishing industry. To that end, our efforts are focused on achieving three strategic objectives: growing demand for fly-fishing products by attracting an ever expanding audience to the sport, promoting better business practices and professional development opportunities for members, and providing a clear, loud voice to elected officials and government agencies on issues ranging from the protection and rehabilitation of fly-fishing habitats to tax related issues important to the fly-fishing community. Bozeman, Montana
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • American Fisheries Society American Fisheries Society
    The mission of the American Fisheries Society is to improve the conservation and sustainability of fishery resources and aquatic ecosystems by advancing fisheries and aquatic science and promoting the development of fisheries professionals. Bethesda, Maryland
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • American Museum of Fly Fishing American Museum of Fly Fishing
    The American Museum of Fly Fishing was established in 1968 in Manchester, Vermont, by a group of passionate and enthusiastic anglers who believed that the history of angling was an important part of American culture and tradition. The Museum was created to serve as an institution to research, preserve, and interpret the treasures of angling history. Today, the Museum serves as a repository for and conservator to the worlds largest collection of angling and angling-related items, numbering in the thousands. Our collections and exhibits thoroughly document the evolution of fly fishing as a sport, art form, craft, and industry in the United States and abroad, dating as far back as the sixteenth century. Rods, reels, flies, tackle, art, photographs, manuscripts, and books form the Museum's permanent collection. Manchester, Vermont
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • American Saltwater Guides Association American Saltwater Guides Association
    We are a coalition of forward-thinking guides, small business owners and like-minded anglers who understand the value of keeping fish in the water. We realize that abundance equals opportunity, and that such opportunity is quite a bit more important to the future of fishing than low size limits and full coolers. Simply put, our mission is to Promote Sustainable Business through Marine Conservation. The American Saltwater Guides Association was created to activate and unite guides, small business owners and like-minded anglers, and to represent them and their voice at the federal, regional and state level. Floral Park, New York
    (Added: Sun Dec 06 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • American Sportfishing Association American Sportfishing Association
    The American Sportfishing Association (ASA) is the sportfishing industry's trade association, committed to looking out for the interests of the entire sportfishing community. We're the only national group speaking on behalf of the entire industry. For more than 85 years, ASA has passionately represented the people, policies and ideas that help recreational fishing thrive. We give the industry and anglers a unified voice when emerging laws and policies could significantly affect sportfishing business and participation. We invest in long-term ventures to ensure the industry remains strong and prosperous, as well as safeguard and promote the enduring economic, conservation and social values of sportfishing in America. Alexandria, Virginia
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
    We are the professional association that serves as the collective voice of North America's state, provincial and territorial fish and wildlife agencies. The Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies represents North America's fish and wildlife agencies to advance sound, science-based management and conservation of fish and wildlife and their habitats in the public interest. Washington, DC
    (Added: Sun Dec 12 2004) - Report this link as bad!
  • Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
    In the early 1940s, recognizing that they could accomplish far more through cooperation rather than individual effort, the Atlantic coast states came together to form the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (Commission). An Interstate Compact, ratified by the states and approved by the U.S. Congress in 1942, acknowledged the necessity of the states joining forces to manage their shared migratory fishery resources and affirmed the states’ commitment to cooperative stewardship in promoting and protecting Atlantic coastal fishery resources. For over 70 years, the Commission has served as a deliberative body of the Atlantic coastal states, coordinating the conservation and management of 25 nearshore fish species. Arlington, Virginia
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Bowfishing Association of America Bowfishing Association of America
    The BAA is the only national bowfishing organization around, and has members all across the states. Those that have an appreciation for new challenges, love of the outdoors, and are brave enough to try new things, are perfect for the sport of bowfishing! Leave the worms in the ground and the tackle box behind. Now is the time to pick up the bow, put on a reel, and let the arrows fly. Hector, Arkansas
    (Added: Wed Dec 15 2010) - Report this link as bad!
  • C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation
    The C.A.S.T. program provides one day fishing and boating events designed to accommodate children with a wide range of special needs. The Fishing Kids program, built around the slogan Getting More Kids Fishing, More Often targets urban populations by providing on-shore fishing activities designed to engage children ages 5 to 14 in outdoor recreation. Take a Warrior Fishing creates events designed to support military personnel and their families, specifically targeting persons assigned to Warrior Transition Commands, by creating an adaptive, community-based outdoor recreation experience through the sport of fishing. Salem, Oregon
    (Added: Wed Dec 05 2012) - Report this link as bad!
  • Casting 4 A Cure Casting 4 A Cure
    Casting 4 A Cure is a loose band of compadres and compatriots who fly fish and fundraise to find a cure for Rett Syndrome. We have pulled together many of the fly fishing industry's leaders and they have taken on the cause like it is their own. Come join us at one of the events or become a sponsor and help the thousands of girls affected by this crippling neurological disorder. Sherwood, Oregon
    (Added: Thu Dec 17 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Casting for Recovery Casting for Recovery
    The mission of Casting For Recovery (CFR) is to provide fly-fishing retreats specifically tailored for women who have or have had breast cancer. The mission of Casting for Recovery is to enhance the quality of life of women with breast cancer through a unique program that combines breast cancer education and peer support with the therapeutic sport of fly fishing. The retreats offer opportunities for women to find inspiration, discover renewed energy for life and experience healing connections with other women and nature. Casting for Recovery's retreats are open to breast cancer survivors of all ages, in all stages of treatment and recovery, and are free to participants. Retreats are located throughout the U.S.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Castingsport - International Casting Sport Federation Castingsport - International Casting Sport Federation
    The world's leading international Castingsport organization - founded in 1955. The federation has been the most important institution for the international development of Castingsport for over 60 years. As a result our member count is growing steadily. As always, this year brings many exciting tournaments and events. Among the bigger ones we have the World Championship. The sport of Casting is derrived from sport fishing. Competitors often use the same equipment when they dry cast as when they fish. Prague, Czech Republic
    (Added: Tue Jan 17 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Charter Fisherman's Association Charter Fisherman's Association
    The fundamental goal of the CFA is to achieve sustainable and accountable status for our fisheries in a way that will increase all user groups' access to our nation's natural resource. Our mission statement is: to ensure American public access to fishing, to engage and represent the charter for hire industry, and to ensure long-term sustainability of our industry. This mission is achieved through outreach, education and the development of realistic solutions within the framework of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Management Act, and the federal or state processes for managing and improving our fisheries. Corpus Christi, Texas
    (Added: Sun Feb 12 2012) - Report this link as bad!
  • Clean Angling Coalition Clean Angling Coalition
    The Clean Angling Coalition is the only organized group of businesses, agencies and organizations that are working together to promote clean angling practices. Clean Angler is a program of the Invasive Species Action Network a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing the human-caused spread of aquatic invasive species by promoting voluntary behavior change. The Clean Angler program was created in 2007 and continues to unify diverse partners in the fight against aquatic invasive species. The mission of the Clean Angling Coalition is to promote voluntary cleaning practices and behavior change that involves everyone in cleaning. Livingston, Montana
    (Added: Wed Feb 05 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • EFSA - the European Federation Of Sea Anglers EFSA - the European Federation Of Sea Anglers
    The objects of the Federation, as laid down at the time of it's formation and still in force today, are to promote the sport of sea angling and maintain the list of European Sea Fish Records, and to keep a watching brief on all commercial fishing activities in European waters.
    (Added: Wed Jan 11 2012) - Report this link as bad!
  • European Fishing Tackle Trade Association European Fishing Tackle Trade Association
    EFTTA was established in London in 1981, as an international, independent association to serve the European fishing tackle trade by campaigning to promote sportfishing, environmental issues and international business. EFTTA members are mainly Agents, Manufacturers, Press and Wholesalers from the fishing tackle industry. They all meet at EFTTEX, the leading European Fishing Tackle Trade Exhibition, that's celebrated every year in a different capital of Europe.
    (Added: Tue Dec 18 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • FFI Southern Council FFI Southern Council
    Fly Fishers International — Southern Council represents flyfishing clubs located in Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Tennessee; as well as individuals who are not members of local clubs. We are affiliated with the Fly Fishers International (formerly known as International Federation of Fly Fishers, Inc.), based in Livingston, Montana. The FFI is an international federation of individuals and clubs throughout the United States and the world. Our motto is "conserving, restoring, educating through flyfishing". We support all species of fish in all waters. Our organization provides an opportunity to meet fellow flyfishers (some of the best people in the world), to teach others about our sport, to learn from others about our sport, and most importantly to channel our efforts into conservation.
    (Added: Wed Dec 05 2018) - Report this link as bad!
  • Fish for Life Fish for Life
    We take Children with Special Needs FISHING! Fish for Life is a non profit organization headquartered in Southern California with a charter to enhance the lives of special needs individuals by inviting selected groups to enjoy a complimentary half day fishing trip on the sea. This program is designed to provide love and inspiration to a multitude of special needs people while teaching fishing skills and ministering to the value of life. Fish for Life chapters can be anywhere there is fishing! If you are interested in starting a chapter in your area, contact us to learn how to get it started! San Clemente, California
    (Added: Sat Dec 26 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • FishAmerica Foundation FishAmerica Foundation
    The FishAmerica Foundation is the American Sportfishing Association's conservation and research foundation. We unite the sportfishing industry with conservation groups, government natural resource agencies, corporations and foundations to invest in sportfish and habitat conservation and research across the country. The foundation is supported by government agencies that share our conservation mission; sportfishing and boating companies investing in fishing's future; and private foundations looking to protect the outdoors for its lasting enjoyment. Alexandria, Virginia
    (Added: Thu Dec 20 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • Fisheries Conservation Foundation Fisheries Conservation Foundation
    The Fisheries Conservation Foundation (FCF) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that promotes the work and knowledge of aquatic scientists, resource managers, and environmental professionals. FCF strives to ensure that objective, peer-reviewed scientific information about fisheries and aquatic resources reaches policy-makers and the public, so the decisions made about the use of our freshwater and marine ecosystems are logical, informed, and based on the principles of sustainability. We work to connect the scientific expertise with other conservation partners and like-minded organizations to inject current scientific knowledge of aquatic resource issues into the public and political knowledge base. Champaign, Illinois
    (Added: Mon Mar 02 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Fishing Has No Boundaries Inc. Fishing Has No Boundaries Inc.
    National Organization opening up the Great Outdoors to all disabled individuals through the world of fishing. FHNB has grown into a National Organization with 27 chapters in 13 states, enabling thousands of individuals with disabilities to participate fully in this spirit lifting, morale booster, trouble free recreational activity. We believe through education, training, and the use of adaptive angling equipment, everyone is able to share in a dream come true. Hayward, Wisconsin
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Fishing's Future Fishing's Future
    Positive people bring positive change and this is what Fishing's Future is. Fishing’s Future provides opportunities for families to engage each other via an educational family oriented fishing activity. South Padre Island, Texas
    (Added: Sat Dec 26 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Fly Fishers International Fly Fishers International
    Since 1964, Fly Fishers International (FFI) has been an organized voice for fly fishers around the world. We represent all aspect of fly fishing –from the art of fly tying and casting, to protection of the natural systems that support healthy fisheries and their habitats so essential to our sport. Today, our mission is to ensure the legacy of fly fishing for all fish in all waters continues by focusing on conservation, education and a sense of community.
    (Added: Fri Nov 24 2017) - Report this link as bad!
  • Friends of Wild Salmon Friends of Wild Salmon
    The Friends of Wild Salmon is a group of residents of British Columbia's North Coast and Skeena watershed who have come together to work towards a common goal: the protection of wild salmon. Smithers, British Columbia, Canada
    (Added: Tue Jan 07 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Future Fisherman Foundation Future Fisherman Foundation
    The mission of the Future Fisherman Foundation is to unite the sportfishing industry, a nationwide network of state outdoor educators, national conservation groups, and youth organizations dedicated to introducing America's youth to angling and the outdoors. The Foundation recognizes the challenges and distractions facing today's children. Research shows that our youth is more at risk than ever before, imperiled by a sedentary, plugged in lifestyle leading to early onset diabetes, cardiac risk and a total disconnect from the natural world. Through various programs, the Foundation and our partners hope to inspire our youth to engage in healthy activities promoting a deeper understanding and connection to nature and our aquatic resources. There is no better way to reconnect our children with nature than taking them fishing! The Future Fisherman Foundation and our partners create, facilitate, and enable community and school based programs to design and deliver hands-on fishing experiences for all children. Ponca City, Oklahoma
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Global Fishing Watch Global Fishing Watch
    Global Fishing Watch is the result of a partnership between Oceana, SkyTruth and Google that identifies apparent fishing activity and provides the world's first global view of commercial fishing. Global Fishing Watch is an online tool that allows anyone in the world with an internet connection to see what 35,000 of the world’s largest commercial fishing vessels are doing, and to track them in near-real time, for free. Our purpose is to create and publicly share knowledge about human activity at sea to enable fair and sustainable use of our ocean. We use cutting-edge technology to turn big data into actionable information. We believe human activity at sea should be common knowledge in order to safeguard the global ocean for the good of all. Global Fishing Watch partners with leading scientific institutions to produce new open-source datasets and analyses and understand the most critical challenges facing our ocean. Washington, DC
    (Added: Sun Nov 28 2021) - Report this link as bad!
  • Great Lakes Fishery Commission Great Lakes Fishery Commission
    The Great Lakes Fishery Commission was established in 1955 by the Canadian/U.S. Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries. The commission coordinates fisheries research, controls the invasive sea lamprey, and facilitates cooperative fishery management among the state, provincial, tribal, and federal management agencies. Ann Arbor, Michigan
    (Added: Fri Dec 28 2012) - Report this link as bad!
  • Heroes on the Water Heroes on the Water
    Based in Texas, and operated as our flagship program, Heroes on the Water serves all military personnel who have been wounded, injured or disabled while serving on active duty, in the reserves or national guard. The primary goal of the program is to assist these injured service members with their physical and mental recovery by introducing them to the therapeutic qualities of fishing from kayaks. The program allows the participants a chance to decompress from the stresses associated with combat and the physical rigors of rehabilitation. Participants enjoy these benefits while on guided fishing trips held at various locations around the country.
    (Added: Fri Dec 03 2010) - Report this link as bad!
  • I.W.F.A - International Women's Fishing Association I.W.F.A - International Women's Fishing Association
    The International Women's Fishing Association was established in 1955 to promote women's fishing in an arena primarily dominated by men. Over the years it has become one of women's most prestigious fishing clubs, setting the standards for conservation and promoting angling competition among women. To help further one of its chartered objectives, the field of conservation, the IWFA established the IWFA Scholarship Trust to provide financial aid to marine science graduate students. We have several release tournaments throughout the year, plus an annual scoring program with monthly awards. Publications include: Hooks & Lines, the member newsletter; Hotlines, the monthly awards updates, and our yearbook. Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
    (Added: Wed Nov 16 2005) - Report this link as bad!
  • ICAST, the world's largest sportfishing trade show ICAST, the world's largest sportfishing trade show
    The International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades, better known as ICAST, is the world’s largest sportfishing trade show annually hosting 7,000 people from the global sportfishing industry representing 63 countries. ICAST is produced by the American Sportfishing Association (ASA), the sportfishing industry's trade association, which looks out for the interests of the entire sportfishing community.
    (Added: Sat Feb 26 2011) - Report this link as bad!
  • IGFA - International Game Fish Association IGFA - International Game Fish Association
    The International Game Fish Association is a not-for-profit organization committed to the conservation of game fish and the promotion of responsible, ethical angling practices through science, education, rule making and record keeping. Dania Beach, Florida
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Institute of Fisheries Management Institute of Fisheries Management
    The Institute of Fisheries Management (IFM) is an international organisation of people sharing a common interest in the modern management of recreational and commercial fisheries. Created in 1969 in the UK, the IFM is dedicated to the advancement of sustainable fisheries management in all its forms. Hull, England UK
    (Added: Wed Dec 19 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
    The IATTC is responsible for the conservation and management of tuna and other marine resources in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Each member of the IATTC is represented by up to four Commissioners, appointed by the respective government.
    (Added: Fri Dec 18 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • International Sport Fishing Confederation (CIPS) International Sport Fishing Confederation (CIPS)
    The International Sport Fishing Confederation (CIPS) was born on 22nd February, 1952 in Rome with the signature of the official papers and the drawing up of the statutes in the Honour Room of the Italian National Olympic Committee (C.O.N.I.). The International Angling Confederation is an Organization of universal nature which has the goal to promote, coordinate and improve all the activities in touch with the fishing from a sporting point of view. Its sporting, technical, scientific or cultural activities are opened to all regardless of race, social, politics, gender or religion, according to the principles of the Olympic ideal. The CIPS action stretches all over the world. It is the only organization which represents the great community of sport fishermen. Currently 144 National Federations from 77 countries and one international fishing organisation, representing alltogether about 50 million members are belonging to CIPS. Rome, Italy
    (Added: Mon Dec 25 2017) - Report this link as bad!
  • Keep America Fishing Keep America Fishing
    Access to fishing is constantly under threat and since 1933, the American Sportfishing Association has actively promoted and protected recreational fishing interests around the country. Our successful government affairs team is further strengthened by Keep America Fishing (KAF)—ASA’s advocacy arm to influence positive change to fisheries management and advance sportfishing industry priorities. Alexandria, Virginia
    (Added: Sun Mar 16 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Kids Fishing Foundation Kids Fishing Foundation
    Change a Kids Life for A Day, Help us Take em Fishin. The Kids Fishing Foundation was set up to help less fortunate kids go fishing. Many kids would love to go fishing, or enjoy other outdoor activities, but their circumstances may not allow them to. The kids fishing foundation offers free youth fishing events, youth fishing programs and fishing trips for kids. The kids fishing foundation program is designed so less fortunate kids can be introduced to the sport of fishing. Our youth fishing program and events are not just for kids, Parents and children are asked to participate. We also have programs for military members and their families. Our goal is to give children, who may not otherwise get the opportunity, a chance to go fishing and enjoy the outdoors. We offer youth fishing trips that everyone will enjoy. Our events are held throughout the U.S. Millville, Minnesota
    (Added: Sun Feb 12 2017) - Report this link as bad!
  • Large Pelagics Research Lab Large Pelagics Research Lab
    Working closely with fishermen and using state-of-the-art technologies, LPRC conducts biological and ecological research on pelagic species including tunas, sharks, billfish, and sea turtles. We endeavor to develop scientific understanding that supports effective ecosystem-based management strategies for these highly migratory Atlantic marine species. University of Massachusetts Amherst lab in Gloucester, Massachusetts
    (Added: Mon Nov 05 2012) - Report this link as bad!
  • Maine Lobstermen's Association Maine Lobstermen's Association
    Founded in 1954, the Maine Lobstermen's Association works hard to protect the lobster resource, our traditions and way of life. Founded on the principles of unity and cooperation, the MLA was formed by lobstermen to empower Maine’s lobster industry by speaking with a united voice. Our strength is in our numbers. We are the largest commercial fishing industry group on the east coast, representing the interests of 1200 lobstermen from Eastport to Kittery. As a commercial fishing organization, we are only as strong as our membership. If you are a lobsterman, we work for you and need your support! Kennebunk, Maine
    (Added: Mon Jan 09 2012) - Report this link as bad!
  • Marine Fish Conservation Network Marine Fish Conservation Network
    For the last two decades, the Marine Fish Conservation Network has united fishermen, conservationists, scientists and citizens around a shared mission: conserving and revitalizing wild ocean fisheries. The Marine Fish Conservation Network is a coalition of commercial and recreational fishing associations, regional and national conservation groups, aquaria, and marine science organizations committed to sustaining fish populations, healthy marine ecosystems, and fishing communities. Our goal is to maintain and strengthen the conservation and management objectives of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. We are committed to ending overfishing, rebuilding fish populations, and fostering a fisheries management system that protects vibrant marine ecosystems and the thriving local communities that depend on them. Based in Virginia
    (Added: Mon Dec 07 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • Marine Recreational Information Program Marine Recreational Information Program
    The Marine Recreational Information Program, or MRIP, is a new tool that will help NOAA and anglers work together to help ensure the long-term sustainability of America's recreational fisheries and the health of our oceans. MRIP will provide recreational fishing data that is more timely, accurate and reliable than ever before available. Currently being phased in across the nation, MRIP provides a more comprehensive and detailed picture of the number of trips being taken by recreational anglers, the amount and species of fish they are catching, where and when those fish are being caught, and the economic impact of recreational fishing on local, regional and national economies.
    (Added: Sun Feb 07 2010) - Report this link as bad!
  • National Fishing in Schools Program National Fishing in Schools Program
    The National Fishing in Schools Program is a nationwide, in school program, that teaches the positive lifetime activity of fishing to students in elementary schools, middle schools and high schools. NFSP educates students about fish, insects, aquatic environment, resource stewardship and conservation using fishing, and learning the skill of casting, as the instructional tool. NFSP works in cooperation with state education and fish and wildlife agencies and a network of groups interested in teaching our youth how to fish in schools. The NFSP current curriculum, "Cast A Fly, Catch A Student", using fly rods, was specifically created to address a broad and inclusive framework of National Academic Standards. Its sequel, "Cast A Lure, Catch A Student", using spincast rods, will do the same. Based in Lincoln, Nebraska
    (Added: Fri Dec 14 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • National Freshwater Spearfishing Association National Freshwater Spearfishing Association
    The National Freshwater Spearfishing Association is a nonprofit spearfishing association dedicated to the sport of spearfishing. Our mission is to mentor new divers in the safe and ethical practice of harvesting game for conservation. We also focus of educating the public and working with each state's Wildlife Departments to help improve our regulations and promote proactive sensible fisheries management.
    (Added: Fri Dec 08 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • National Professional Anglers Association National Professional Anglers Association
    The National Professional Anglers Association (NPAA) is a 501(c) (6) non-profit organization whose mission is: "To grow the sport of fishing and increase the professionalism of its members". The association was founded in 1997 and has grown to today's level by working to develop programs to benefit its members and the sport. One such program includes the financial support and organizational support for the "Future Angler Events" that are run by its members each year. These "Future Angler Events" impacted nearly 10,000 young anglers and nearly 7,000 adults at over 80 events in 2013. NPAA membership consists of guides, charter captains, tournament anglers and industry promotional experts from all over the U.S. and Canada. West Milton, Ohio
    (Added: Tue Dec 10 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • National Youth Fishing Association National Youth Fishing Association
    The premier youth fishing organization in the US. Providing tournament competition, seminar participation and true learning experiences for Middle and High School anglers across the Mid West. Rogersville, Missouri
    (Added: Thu Jan 05 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Native Fish Coalition Native Fish Coalition
    Mission Statement: Protect, preserve, and restore wild native fish populations through stewardship of the fish and their habitats. Native Fish Coalition was founded in 2017 by Tom Dickins, Bob Mallard and Emily Bastian. We are a nonpartisan, apolitical, grassroots, donor-funded, primarily volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the conservation, preservation and restoration of wild native fish. While most of our members are avid anglers, our focus is not limited to so-called "gamefish." We are however often - but by no means always - focused on gamefish, and the reason is twofold: Native gamefish are often the species that are most threatened, and what is good for these fish is good for all native fish. It is the belief of Native Fish Coalition that no stream, river, pond or lake is truly healthy or "restored" until its full complement of native flora and fauna is intact and it is devoid of nonnative species and hatchery-raised fish. There are Chapters in 18 States. Pownal, Maine
    (Added: Sat Feb 03 2024) - Report this link as bad!
  • Native Fish Society Native Fish Society
    The Native Fish Society is a non-profit organization founded in 1995. Since then Native Fish Society has advocated for the protection and recovery of wild, native fish across the Pacific Northwest. Our goal is straightforward: utilize the best available science to promote public policy and stewardship that will advance the recovery and protection of self-sustaining populations of wild, native fish in their homewaters. Our focus on policy, education, and advocacy, grounded in the best-available science, all combine to make Native Fish Society one of the leading conservation groups working to recover wild steelhead, salmon, and trout across the Pacific Northwest. Based in Portland, Oregon
    (Added: Tue Dec 18 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA - FishWatch NOAA - FishWatch
    FishWatch provides easy-to-understand science-based facts to help consumers make smart sustainable seafood choices. Get up-to-date information on the status of some of the nation's most valuable marine fish harvested in U.S. federal waters as well as U.S. farmed fish that help meet our country's growing seafood demand.
    (Added: Tue Nov 19 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA Fisheries NOAA Fisheries
    NOAA Fisheries is responsible for the stewardship of the nation's ocean resources and their habitat. We provide vital services for the nation: productive and sustainable fisheries, safe sources of seafood, the recovery and conservation of protected resources, and healthy ecosystems—all backed by sound science and an ecosystem-based approach to management. U.S. fisheries are among the world’s largest and most sustainable. Seafood harvested from U.S. federally managed fisheries is inherently sustainable as a result of the U.S. fishery management process. Using the Magnuson-Stevens Act as the guide, NOAA Fisheries works in partnership with Regional Fishery Management Councils to assess and predict the status of fish stocks, set catch limits, ensure compliance with fisheries regulations, and reduce bycatch. Formally known as the National Marine Fisheries Service, we are an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission
    The North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission was formed to recommend measures to maintain the rational exploitation of fish stocks in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. Based in London, England
    (Added: Wed Dec 19 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
    The North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC) is an inter-governmental organization established by the Convention for the Conservation of Anadromous Stocks in the North Pacific Ocean. The Convention was signed on February 11, 1992, and took effect on February 16, 1993. The objective of the Commission is to promote the conservation of anadromous stocks (Pacific salmon and steelhead trout) in the Convention Area. The Convention Area includes the international waters of the North Pacific Ocean and its adjacent seas north of 33° North beyond the 200-mile zone (exclusive economic zones) of the coastal States. Current member countries include: Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the United States of America. Vancouver, B.C. Canada
    (Added: Wed Dec 19 2007) - Report this link as bad!
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