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Home: Categories: Marine Life & Marine Biology: Oceans and Oceanography: NOAA
  • Arctic Program - NOAA Arctic Program - NOAA
    Issued annually since 2006, the Arctic Report Card is a timely and peer-reviewed source for clear, reliable and concise environmental information on the current state of different components of the Arctic environmental system relative to historical records. The Report Card is intended for a wide audience, including scientists, teachers, students, decision-makers and the general public interested in the Arctic environment and science. NOAA's National Ocean Service conserves and manages our Arctic Ocean resources to support resilient ecosystems and communities and works to map the seafloor to improve charting and navigational support.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Earth-Ocean Interactions Earth-Ocean Interactions
    Discovering, measuring, understanding, and predicting ecological impacts of natural chemical, biological, and geological processes between the solid Earth and Ocean. The Earth-Ocean Interactions Program contributes to NOAA’s objective of achieving a holistic understanding of marine ecosystems by exploration and research on hydrothermal vents, their impacts on the global ocean, and their unique chemosynthetic biological communities. This includes ecosystem characterization, resource assessment, environmental observation, and technology development.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Environmental Modeling Center Environmental Modeling Center
    Welcome to the Marine Modeling and Analysis Branch of the Environmental Modeling Center at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction in College Park, Maryland. We are responsible for the development of improved numerical marine forecasting and analysis systems within the NOAA National Weather Service.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Hurricane Research Division - NOAA's Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory Hurricane Research Division - NOAA's Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
    The mission of NOAA's Hurricane Research Division (HRD) is to advance the understanding and prediction of hurricanes and other tropical weather. HRD's research is based on a combination of computer models, theories, and observations, with emphasis on data obtained with research aircraft.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Marine Cadastre Marine Cadastre is an integrated marine information system that provides ocean data, offshore planning tools, and technical support to the offshore renewable energy community. The project was designed specifically to support renewable energy siting on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf but is also being used for other ocean-related efforts. has three primary focus areas: Web map viewers and ocean planning tools; spatial data registry; and technical support and regional capacity building. was developed in a partnership between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Coastal Services Center and the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
    (Added: Wed Jan 23 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
    NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) hosts and provides public access to one of the most significant archives for environmental data on Earth. We provide over 37 petabytes of comprehensive atmospheric, coastal, oceanic, and geophysical data. We are the Nation's leading authority for environmental data, and manage one of the largest archives of atmospheric, coastal, geophysical, and oceanic research in the world. NCEI contributes to the NESDIS mission by developing new products and services that span the science disciplines and enable better data discovery.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • National Geodetic Survey National Geodetic Survey
    NGS provides the framework for all positioning activities in the Nation. The foundational elements - latitude, longitude, elevation, shoreline information and their changes over time - contribute to informed decision making and impact a wide range of important activities including mapping and charting, navigation, flood risk determination, transportation, land use and ecosystem management. NGS' authoritative spatial data, models, and tools are vital for the protection and management of natural and manmade resources and support the economic prosperity and environmental health of the Nation.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • National Ice Center National Ice Center
    The U.S. National Ice Center (NIC) is a multi-agency operational center operated by the United States Navy, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the United States Coast Guard. Our mission is to provide the highest quality, timely, accurate, and relevant snow and ice products and services to meet the strategic, operations, and tactical requirements of the United States interests across the global area of responsibility.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • National Marine Mammal Laboratory National Marine Mammal Laboratory
    The National Marine Mammal Laboratory (NMML) conducts research on marine mammals important to the mission of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), with particular attention to issues related to marine mammals off the coasts of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California. Research projects focus on ecology and behavior, population dynamics, life history, and status and trends. Information is provided to various domestic and international organizations to assist in developing rational and appropriate management regimes for marine resources under NOAA's jurisdiction.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • National Ocean Service National Ocean Service
    The nation's ocean and coastal agency: Supporting coastal communities, promoting a robust economy, and protecting coastal and marine ecosystems. Our mission is to provide science-based solutions through collaborative partnerships to address evolving economic, environmental, and social pressures on our oceans and coasts.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a federal agency focused on the condition of the oceans and the atmosphere. NOAA is an agency that enriches life through science. Our reach goes from the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor as we work to keep citizens informed of the changing environment around them. From daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings and climate monitoring to fisheries management, coastal restoration and supporting marine commerce, NOAA's products and services support economic vitality and affect more than one-third of America's gross domestic product. NOAA's dedicated scientists use cutting-edge research and high-tech instrumentation to provide citizens, planners, emergency managers and other decision makers with reliable information they need when they need it.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA Center for Tsunami Research NOAA Center for Tsunami Research
    Emergency managers and other officials are in urgent need of operational tools that will provide accurate tsunami forecast as guidance for rapid, critical decisions in which lives and property are at stake. The more timely and precise the warnings are, the more effective actions can local emergency managers take and the more lives and property can be saved.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA Central Library NOAA Central Library
    The NOAA Central Library, located in Silver Spring, Maryland, and its libraries at the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (Miami), National Hurricane Center/Tropical Prediction Center (Miami), Western Regional Center (Seattle), and College Park (Maryland), provide information and research support to NOAA staff and the public. The library also networks with over 30 NOAA libraries across the nation. Disciplines covered include weather and atmospheric sciences, oceanography, ocean engineering, nautical charting, marine ecology, marine resources, ecosystems, coastal studies, aeronomy, geodesy, cartography, mathematics and statistics.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA CoastWatch NOAA CoastWatch
    CoastWatch provides timely access to near real-time satellite data to protect, restore, and manage United States coastal ocean resources, and understand climate variability and change to further enhance society's quality of life. The primary users include Federal, State, and local marine scientists, coastal resource managers, and the general public.
    (Added: Thu Nov 10 2016) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA Coral Reef Information System (CoRIS) NOAA Coral Reef Information System (CoRIS)
    CoRIS is the Coral Reef Conservation Program's (CRCP) information portal that provides access to NOAA coral reef information and data products with emphasis on the U.S. states, territories and remote island areas. NOAA Coral Reef activities include coral reef mapping, monitoring and assessment; natural and socioeconomic research and modeling; outreach and education; and management and stewardship. Silver Spring, Maryland
    (Added: Tue Jan 05 2016) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA Digital Library NOAA Digital Library
    The NOAA Photo Library has been built so as to capture the work, observations, and studies that are carried on by the scientists, engineers, commissioned officers, and administrative personnel that make up this complex and scientifically diverse agency. It also has been built in an attempt to capture NOAA's scientific heritage, which is in fact a heritage shared by much of the physical and environmental science communities in the United States today. To date, over 32,000 images have been digitized and reside in the online NOAA Photo Library.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA Education Resources NOAA Education Resources
    This site has been designed to help students, teachers, librarians, and the general public access the many educational activities, publications, and booklets that have been produced. Topics include Oceans & Coasts, Climate, Weather and Atmosphere, Marine Life, Freshwater, and Special Topics. Education resources are distributed across many websites and program offices at NOAA and on NOAA partner websites. This portal is designed to assist educators in accessing these materials from one centralized interface. The content here is a sampling of NOAA's education resources and more can be found at each linked location.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab
    Our mission is to conduct integrated, interdisciplinary environmental research in support of resource management and environmental services in coastal and estuarine water, with special emphasis on the Great Lakes.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA Heritage NOAA Heritage
    NOAA History is an intrinsic part of the history of the United States and the development of its science and commercial infrastructure. The ancestor agencies of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration include the United States Coast Survey established in 1807, the United States Weather Bureau established in 1870, and the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries established in 1871.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
    The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) conducts and supports research, monitoring, assessments, and technical assistance to meet NOAA's coastal stewardship and management responsibilities. NCCOS science provides coastal managers the information and tools they need to balance society’s environmental, social, and economic goals. We are the primary coastal science arm within NOAA's National Ocean Service.
    (Added: Thu Nov 10 2016) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
    NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) is responsible for preserving, monitoring, assessing, and providing public access to the Nation's treasure of geophysical data and information. We provide stewardship, products, and services for geophysical data from our Sun to Earth and Earth's sea floor and solid earth environment, including Earth observations from space. Boulder, Colorado
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries
    The Office of National Marine Sanctuaries serves as the trustee for a network of 14 marine protected areas encompassing more than 170,000 square miles of marine and Great Lakes waters from Washington state to the Florida Keys, and from Lake Huron to American Samoa. The network includes a system of 13 national marine sanctuaries and the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument. Our national marine sanctuaries are places of inspiration. Within their waters and along their shores, you can find vibrant tapestries of marine life, ancient mysteries of our past, and thriving communities of men and women who have relied on the sea for generations. Sanctuaries are places where anyone can go to experience the power and beauty of the ocean and form lasting memories in spectacular natural settings, from the vibrant coral reefs of American Samoa to the towering kelp forests of Monterey Bay. These underwater treasures are sources of national pride, and when we take care of them, we are protecting part of what makes America great.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA National Sea Grant NOAA National Sea Grant
    For over 50 years, the National Sea Grant College Program has supported coastal and Great Lakes communities through research, extension and education. Sea Grant's mission is to enhance the practical use and conservation of coastal, marine and Great Lakes resources in order to create a sustainable economy and environment. Environmental stewardship, long-term economic development and responsible use of America's coastal, ocean and Great Lakes resources are at the heart of Sea Grant's mission. A network of 34 Sea Grant programs in the coastal US States and territories carries out this mission through research, extension and education activities. The network draws on the expertise of more than 3,000 scientists, engineers, public outreach experts, educators and students to help citizens better understand, conserve and utilize America's coastal resources. Silver Spring, Maryland
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA Ocean Explorer NOAA Ocean Explorer
    An educational offering for all who wish to learn about, discover, & virtually explore the ocean realm. Public access to current information on a series of NOAA scientific & educational explorations & activities in the marine environment. The NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research provides a variety of learning and teaching tools designed to engage broad audiences and enhance America’s environmental literacy through the excitement of ocean discovery.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA Office for Coastal Management NOAA Office for Coastal Management
    Coastal management refers to actions taken to keep residents safe, the economy sound, and natural resources functioning. This is accomplished with federal and state partnership programs. Federal legislation provides the overarching mandates; NOAA's Office for Coastal Management oversees implementation and provides technical assistance; federally approved state programs provide day-to-day implementation.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA Office of Marine and Aviation Operations NOAA Office of Marine and Aviation Operations
    NOAA ships and aircraft play a critical role in the collection of oceanographic, atmospheric, hydrographic, and fisheries data. The NOAA fleet is managed and operated by the Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO), an office composed of civilians and officers of the NOAA Commissioned Corps. OMAO also manages the NOAA Diving Program and NOAA Small Boat Program. OMAO's research and survey ships compose the largest fleet of federal research ships in the nation. The fleet ranges from large oceanographic research vessels capable of exploring the world’s deepest ocean, to smaller ships responsible for charting the shallow bays and inlets of the United States. The fleet supports a wide range of marine activities including fisheries research, nautical charting, and ocean and climate studies.
    (Added: Thu Jan 22 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA Office of Response and Restoration NOAA Office of Response and Restoration
    NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) is a center of expertise in preparing for, evaluating, and responding to threats to coastal environments, including oil and chemical spills, releases from hazardous waste sites, and marine debris. Our mission is to develop scientific solutions to keep the coasts clean from threats of oil, chemicals, and marine debris. Silver Spring, Maryland
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL)
    NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) is a federal laboratory that makes critical observations and conducts groundbreaking research to advance our knowledge of the global ocean and its interactions with the earth, atmosphere, ecosystems, and climate. PMEL's mission is to a) observe, analyze, and predict oceanic and atmospheric phenomena, b) lead the development and deployment of innovative technologies, c) identify and understand ocean-related issues of major consequence, and d) inform society with well-documented, high quality science. Key research areas at PMEL include ocean acidification, tsunami detection and forecasting, hydrothermal vent systems, fisheries oceanography, and long term climate monitoring and analysis. Seattle, Washington
    (Added: Mon Dec 22 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA Research NOAA Research
    Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) - or "NOAA Research" - provides the research foundation for understanding the complex systems that support our planet. Working in partnership with other organizational units of the NOAA, a bureau of the Department of Commerce, NOAA Research enables better forecasts, earlier warnings for natural disasters, and a greater understanding of the Earth. Our role is to provide unbiased science to better manage the environment, nationally, and globally. Silver Spring, Maryland
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA Shoreline NOAA Shoreline
    Coastal Shoreline Website. A Guide to National Shoreline Data and Terms. The purpose of this website is to eliminate confusion about vector shoreline data by providing information about and access to shorelines that are generated by federal agencies. The site was developed and designed by the NOAA Office for Coastal Management.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA Teacher at Sea Program NOAA Teacher at Sea Program
    The mission of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Teacher at Sea Program is to provide teachers hands-on, real-world research experience working at sea with world-renowned NOAA scientists, thereby giving them unique insight into oceanic and atmospheric research crucial to the nation. The program provides a unique opportunity for kindergarten through college-level teachers to sail aboard NOAA research ships to work under the tutelage of scientists and crew. Since its inception in 1990, NOAA's Teacher at Sea Program has enabled nearly 700 teachers to gain first-hand experience of science and life at sea. By participating in this program, teachers profoundly enrich their classroom curricula, enhance their approaches to teaching science, and engage their local community with knowledge that can only be gained by living and working side-by-side, day and night, with scientists who contribute to the world's oceanic and atmospheric scientific research.
    (Added: Thu Jan 22 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA Tides & Currents NOAA Tides & Currents
    The Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) and its predecessors have gathered oceanographic data along our nation's coasts for over 200 years to protect life, property, and the environment. Serving both the public and other government agencies, CO-OPS is the authoritative source for accurate, reliable, and timely water-level and current measurements that support safe and efficient maritime commerce, sound coastal management, and recreation. The combined efforts, knowledge, and experience of CO-OPS's technicians, scientists, and engineers working to carry out a central mission has led to the development of a reliable center of expertise for coastal physical oceanography. Tides & Currents Education: What causes tides, how they predict tides, and how they measure water level.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA's Aquarius NOAA's Aquarius
    Aquarius is an underwater ocean laboratory located in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The laboratory is deployed three and half miles offshore, at a depth of 60 feet, next to spectacular coral reefs. Scientists live in Aquarius during ten-day missions using saturation diving to study and explore our coastal ocean. Aquarius is owned by NOAA and is operated by the National Undersea Research Center at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.
    (Added: Fri Dec 10 2004) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA's Coral Health and Monitoring Program NOAA's Coral Health and Monitoring Program
    Welcome to NOAA's Coral Health and Monitoring Program (CHAMP). Our mission is to provide services and information sources for researchers and the public in order to help improve and sustain coral reef health throughout the world.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program
    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Coral Reef Conservation Program supports effective management and sound science to preserve, sustain and restore valuable coral reef ecosystems. The NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program brings together expertise from across NOAA for a multidisciplinary approach to studying these complex ecosystems to inform more effective management. We work closely with NOAA scientists in the National Ocean Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, and National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service.
    (Added: Wed Feb 10 2010) - Report this link as bad!
  • Ocean Chemistry Division - NOAA's Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory Ocean Chemistry Division - NOAA's Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
    The Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystems Division (OCED) is an interdisciplinary team of scientists working to support NOAA's mission to understand our oceans and coasts, to aid conservation and management of marine ecosystems, and to predict changes to these valuable resources. We focus on the forces and stressors that cause ecological responses and work on scales spanning from the local to the global. The Division works on a variety of important topics including the global rise of CO2, the ability of our ecosystems to support marine life, the safety of our swimming waters, and the health of coral reefs here and across the globe.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Ocean Today Ocean Today
    Watch. Explore. Discover. Welcome to Ocean Today. View the beauty and mystery of the ocean realm captured on video around the globe. Share these stories with others, by subscribing for updates. Find out what the Ocean Today kiosk is, how you can contribute, and plan your visit to a museum or aquarium near you to experience it yourself! Ocean Today is an exciting, multimedia kiosk that features videos on all aspects of the ocean realm -- exploration and discoveries, marine life and science. It was originally designed for the Sant Ocean Hall in the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History which opened in September 2008. Due to the popularity of the videos, Ocean Today kiosks are now located in dozens of aquariums, museums, and learning centers throughout the world. Check out our map to find a location near you to visit or watch the videos here. This website serves as online archive for those who are unable to experience it in person.
    (Added: Fri Jan 20 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Office of Protected Resources Home Page Office of Protected Resources Home Page
    The Office of Protected Resources (OPR) is a headquarters program office of NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries Service, or NMFS), under the U.S. Department of Commerce, with responsibility for protecting marine mammals and endangered/threatened marine life. NOAA's Office of Protected Resources works to conserve, protect, and recover species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) in conjunction with our Regional Offices, Science Centers, and various partners.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Ships of the NOAA Fleet Ships of the NOAA Fleet
    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) operates a wide assortment of hydrographic survey, oceanographic research and fisheries survey vessels. These vessels are operated by NOAA's Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO). Ships located in the Atlantic are managed by the Marine Operations Center-Atlantic (MOC-A) in Norfolk, Virginia. Ships located in the Pacific are managed by the Marine Operations Center-Pacific (MOC-P) in Newport, Oregon. Ships located in Hawaii are managed by the Marine Operations Center-Pacific Islands (MOC-PI). The ships are operated by a combination of NOAA Commissioned Corps officers and civilian professional mariners. The professional mariner workforce includes licensed masters, mates and engineers, and unlicensed members of the engine, steward, and deck departments. In addition, survey and electronic technicians operate and/or maintain the ships' mission, communication and navigation equipment. The ships' officers and crew provide mission support and assistance to embarked scientists from various NOAA laboratories as well as the academic community.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • U.S. IOOS, Integrated Ocean Observing System U.S. IOOS, Integrated Ocean Observing System
    U.S. IOOS is a vital tool for tracking, predicting, managing, and adapting to changes in our ocean, coastal and Great Lakes environment. U.S. IOOS delivers the data and information needed, so that decision-makers can take action to improve safety, enhance the economy, and protect the environment. The Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) is a national-regional partnership working to provide new tools and forecasts to improve safety, enhance the economy, and protect our environment. Integrated ocean information is now available in near real time, as well as retrospectively. Easier and better access to this information is improving our ability to understand and predict coastal events - such as storms, wave heights, and sea level change.
    (Added: Wed Feb 04 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Woods Hole Science Aquarium Woods Hole Science Aquarium
    We are a small, public aquarium that displays approximately 140 species of marine animals found in Northeast and Middle Atlantic waters. Admission is free, but donations are gladly accepted. Established in Woods Hole in 1885, the WHSA is the country's oldest marine aquarium. It is owned by the federal government and operated by NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service, in partnership with the Marine Biological Laboratory. Woods Hole, Massachusetts
    (Added: Fri Feb 05 2016) - Report this link as bad!

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